Best Personal Finance Survival Kit Ways For Success

Should You Hire a Professional to organize or do it all by yourself? 

Everybody knows that the way we think determines the outcome. If your thoughts are like “I can’t write my finances down then, you probably won’t succeed. If you change your thoughts into “I will write down everything I worry about especially my money issues, then you will achieve that goal. Perhaps it’s only one more thing to do then expected, but you if you did write down your finances down more then it will make all the difference in the world to set a success framework. If you believe in yourself you will succeed at the end.

But before you reach that end you have to organize the thoughts in your head. There are two main thoughts, negative and positive. For every negative one you can find an opposite more positive thought. For example if you take a half filled glass with water you can think this glass is half empty.  This is a more negative thought. If you approach it with the thought of this glass is half full then you think positive. There hasn’t been a change with the amount of water. Just your thinking changed.  It takes time and effort to make those changes. 

At first you are on the level of unawareness incompetence. We act without thinking. If we want changes to be made we have to learn to use those positive affirmations. We now are one step higher called the awareness of incompetence. At this point you know that you have to learn and use in order to change. When we use them for a while and we see results we reach the level of aware competence.

We now use the tools in a perfect way. We see results but to achieve the highest level we need to keep on the good work.. 

At this state when an opportunity appears we think in possibilities instead of problems. This is the state of mind we want to have consistently. Sure you have less positive thoughts sometimes but rapidly you make that change into a positive thought.  Thinking positive has become a natural behavior

Keep up the good work and start today. Remember only you can make a difference. 

A lot of people ask me if it's really worth hiring a professional organizer or if you're better off doing it yourself.

Both are valuable options, but either way you should understand the specific steps and strategies to having a more organized home, making little changes gradually to simplify life at home.

Well at first glance having someone do things for you can certainly seem better than doing it yourself. But there are some big IF's that need to be considered.

Remember, you are typically going to pay by the hour (the going rate for a professional organizer can range anywhere from $35 to $250 an hour. So you have to be selective in which small part of the process they'll help you with.

Just a few weeks ago I got an email from a customer of mine who recently hired a professional organizer and paid her for a full day.

And all she did was hang pictures for 8 hours!

Which brings me to another point ... how do you know, once the service is complete, you are going to be satisfied or if you are even going to be able to maintain organization beyond a week, a month or a year from now?

Now here's the thing. 

If you really, really want to make changes to the way you live in your home, you need to start living your life a little differently.

You should be able to manage your "stuff" and understand what it really takes to start enjoying the benefits of home organization.

Learn what it takes to get organized from the inside-out and discover the basic and simple rules of home organization so you can enjoy more time, more space and a better, happier life at home.

Then, even if later down the road you decide to hire someone to help you, you will be more knowledgable, you will understand the process more and -- combined with a few changes -- you will be living in an organized home before you know it.

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